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By booking and paying for any services via the I Care 4 Your Pets website, you are agreeing to the following terms, conditions, and policies.


Click here to see the I Care 4 Your Pets Service Agreement document in its entirety (this document will be completed when finalising bookings).


  1. I Care 4 Your Pets agrees to provide all services in a professional, caring, and trustworthy manner. 

  2. Client agrees to notify I Care 4 Your Pets of any concerns within 24 hours of completion of services. 

  3. Client agrees to pay all charges accrued for services rendered. 

  4. I Care 4 Your Pets agrees to provide the client with a minimum of two week's written notice of all changes to service rates. 

  5. I Care 4 Your Pets can update the terms of their policy at any time and it is the responsibility of the client to check these terms before making a booking, to ensure they agree with the current terms and conditions.

  6. I Care 4 For Your Pets will take all precautions to ensure the welfare, safety and health of Clients’ animal(s), including sanitising of vehicles and equipment used.

  7. The Client agrees to provide all equipment requested on the I Care 4 Your Pets booking form, so that I Care 4 Your Pets team can keep animal areas sanitised and prevent the transmission of diseases between client's homes.

  8. I Care 4 Your Pets shall exercise all precautions against injury, illness, escape, loss, accidents or death of Client’s pet(s). I Care 4 Your Pets is not responsible for injury, illness (including transmittable diseases, allergic reactions etc), escape, loss, accidents or death of Client’s pet(s) unless caused through negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of I Care 4 Your Pets.

  9. Client warrants that pet(s) are currently vaccinated and registered with their local council and that microchip details are up to date, in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 

  10. The Client will provide I Care 4 Your Pets with alternative emergency contact details in case of an emergency.

  11. The Client will disclose to I Care 4 Your Pets, all animals located on the property and understands that I Care 4 Your Pets may refuse service if the care of those animals is not included within the terms of the agreement.

  12. The Client agrees to inform I Care 4 Your Pets of any pre-existing or current medical conditions, or any current treatment the animal is receiving.

  13. Client agrees that I Care 4 Your Pets is not liable for any pregnancies that may occur, or subsequent costs associated, with any females who are walked or cared for whilst on heat, or for any pregnancies that result from any accidental mating.

  14. Client agrees that dogs will be walked on-leash only. Should they request off-leash time, Clients can approach I Care 4 Your Pets about signing a separate ‘Dogs Off-Leash Contract’.

  15. I Care 4 For Your Pets will take all precautions to ensure the safety of your animal(s). In the event of an injury caused by a third-party animal or person, every attempt will be made to obtain the other parties contact details should treatment be required or legal issues eventuate.

  16. I Care 4 Your Pets will follow the directions of the Vet Release Terms & Conditions (below) in the case a pet should become sick or injured. 

  17. Client accepts responsibility for all medical expenses and other damages resulting from injury to staff, other persons or other animal(s) caused by the Client’s pet(s) or negligent act. 

  18. I Care 4 Your Pets reserves the right to change the booking and cancellation policy, which is currently outlined under the I Care 4 Your Pets Booking Policy section on their website.

  19. Client agrees to pay all additional fees incurred as a result of cancellations, according to the Booking/Cancellation Policy.

  20. The Client understands that a higher rate will apply for public/school holiday. I Care 4 Your Pets agrees to provide this rate at the time of the booking.

  21. I Care 4 Your Pets reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the I Care 4 Your Pets team, in their sole discretion, determine that the Client’s pet(s) poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets, other people, or I Care 4 Your Pets employees. 

  22. I Care 4 Your Pets also reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the I Care 4 Your Pets team feels unsafe in the home or surrounding environment. 

  23. I agree to inform I Care 4 Your Pets prior to the commencement of the contract, of any persons, such as contractors, neighbours, relatives etc, who may be present at the property during the term of this contract, 

  24. The Client agrees to provide a safe working environment for I Care 4 Your Pets team, this includes ensuring premises are fully locked and secured, with safe access inside and safe access to the premises. 

  25. The Client understands and agrees that I Care 4 Your Pets will not share care of the pet(s) during their contracted period, with a third party, such as a client’s neighbour or friend.

  26. The Client agrees, if the animal is allowed outside to defecate, all faeces are removed from the yard/grass area and yard/grass area is mowed prior to the commencement of this contract.

  27. The Client agrees to provide fresh food, clean water, clean feeding/water bowls and utensils available to the pets and for the pet’s care, before the commencement of this contract.

  28. I Care 4 Your Pets reserves the right to refuse service to any client, at any time, for any reason. 

  29. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the Client is giving I Care 4 Your Pets, its employees and volunteers/trainees (accompanied by an I Care 4 Your Pets employee), permission to enter the Client’s listed address, as needed, to perform agreed-upon services.

  30. I Care 4 Your Pets shall exercise all precautions against property damage or loss. The Client accepts I Care 4 Your Pets is not liable for any property damage or loss that occurs at the Client’s home unless caused through negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of I Care 4 Your Pets.

  31. I Care 4 Your Pets is not liable for any property damage or loss that occurs at the Client's home that is caused by their pet(s). 

  32. The Client agrees to inform I Care 4 Your Pets of any medical or behavioural condition of their pet that may result in property damage, prior to the commencement of the contract.

  33. I Care 4 Your Pets will re-secure the home to the best of its ability at the end of each visit if the Client is not at home.  

  34. The client must ensure all locks on windows and doors are in working order and the premises are able be fully secured. The Client will inform I Care 4 Your Pets if they are unable to secure the property. I Care 4 Your Pets reserves the right to refuse service if the property is unable to be secured. 

  35. In the case of an emergency, inclement weather or a natural disaster, the Client authorises I Care 4 Your Pets to use reasonable judgement for the care and wellbeing of the Client’s pet(s) and residence. I Care 4 Your Pets will make reasonable efforts to maintain service during these conditions but reserves the right to adjust the activities and schedule of service based on the sole discretion of the I Care 4 Your Pets staff. 

  36. Client is responsible for supplying the necessary equipment and supplies needed for the care of the pet(s) including equipment suitable for controlling the animal, a sturdy, well-fit collar or harness, identification tags, and treats/food rewards in the case of specific sensitivities that the I Care 4 Your Pets staff cannot accommodate for. 

  37. The Client is to provide ample food, water, medication, litter, all cleaning supplies, and equipment required to care for the pet(s) for the duration of the contract, while the client is away.

  38. Client authorises the use of pet(s) pictures on the I Care 4 Your Pets website, social media and/or marketing materials for promotional purposes.

  39. Client authorises this contract to be valid approval for services so as to permit I Care 4 Your Pets to accept all future in-person, phone, online, or email reservations and provide services without additional signed contracts or written authorisations. 

  40. The terms of this contract apply to all pets owned by the Client, including any and all new pets that the Client obtains on or after the date this document was signed.  

  41. In this policy, a 'pet' refers to any animal of any species that I Care 4 Your Pets is contracted by the Client to care for.

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